jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Lectura y la Escritura
Marisela Acuña

Name: Omar Cervantes Cumpeán

Date: October - 2 ND -_2010

1.- Writing pedagogy focuses students on how to...

Generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to discourse markers and rhetorical conventions to put them cohesively into a written text, how to revise text for clearer meaning.

2.- There is an advantage given to students when they were seen as creators of language and were allowed to...

Focus on content and message, and when their own individual intrinsic motives were put at the center of learning.

3.- Process approach to writing instruction:

A)Focus on the process of writing that deals to the final written product.
B)Help student writers to understand their own composing process.
C)Help them to build repertories of strategies for prewriting, drafting and rewriting.
D)Give students time to write and rewrite.
E)Place central importance on the process of revision.
F)Let students discover what they want to say as they write.
G)Give students feedback throughout the composing process.
H)Encourage feedback from both the instructor and peers.
I)Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition.

4.- Peter Elbow- writing is a two step process...

First, you you figure out your meaning, then you put it into a language.

5.- The current emphasis of process writing must be seen in the perspective of a balance...

between process and balance.

6.- According to Connor, a theory of contrastive rhetoric is influenced by more than first language patterns...

Factors such a linguistic relativity, theory or rhetoric, text linguistics, discourse types and genres, literacy, and translation all contribute toward a comprehensive theory of contrastive rhetoric.

7.- Different between L1 and L2 writing...

Writers do less planning, and they are less fluent, less accurate and less effective in stating goals and organizing material.

8.- Summarize “Authenticity” and English for Academic Purposes.

Real writing and display writing. Real writing: writing when the reader doesn't know the answer and genuinely wants information.

9.- The role of the teacher in writing.

As a facilitator, the teacher offers guidance in helping students to engage in the thinking process of composing but, in a spirit of respect for students opinion, mus not impose his/her own thoughts on student.

10.- Characteristics of the written language:

2.Production time.

11.- Types of classroom writing permanence:

Imitative or writing down.
Intensive or controlled.
Real writing: academic, vocational technical, personal.

12.- Principles of writing techniques:

Incorporate practices of “good” writer.
Balance process and product.
Account for cultural/literacy backgrounds.
Connect writing and writing.
Provide as much authentic writing as possible.

13.- Design three writing activities with the proper steps to follow (ESA).

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